San Francisco Bay Area Snakes


Garter Snake

These are the most commonly found snakes in urban areas here in the SF Bay Area. They are great for your garden as they love eating slugs. There are a handful of different species of garter snake with lots of variation in color and pattern.


Pacific Gopher Snake

Harmless Gopher Snakes are often mistaken for rattlesnakes, as they have a similar color and pattern. Gopher snakes will rattle their tail (although they don’t have a rattle) and flatten their head when threatened, which can add to the confusion. They benefit humans by helping to control rodent populations so it’s always a good thing to see gopher snakes around.


Northern Pacific Rattlesnake

This is the only snake that is dangerous to humans in the SF Bay Area. They are not aggressive and only bite if being harmed. If you see one, give it lots of space! If you’ve found one on your property and need it removed, call a rattlesnake removal.


Pacific Ringneck Snake

If you’re lucky enough to find a Pacific Ring Necked Snake you’ve truly met a little gem of the Pacific coast. You’ll immediately notice the nice orange to yellow color on their belly and around their neck. If they feel threatened, they put on quite a show by coiling their tail upside down to show you the bright orange underside; this is a warning to you that they taste bad and please leave them alone.


Sharp Tail Snake

If your out gardening or digging a hole you might meet a Sharp-Tailed Snake. Sharp Tailed Snakes are fossorial, which is a fancy word that means they like to live underground and under rocks, logs or even under leaf litter where it’s a little damp. They eat little salamanders, but also slugs and slug eggs, so they’re a good friend to have around the yard!


Rubber Boa

One of just two species of boas found in the United States, this snake only gets about 2 feet long.

Learn more about California herps here.